Archival Collections

Sometimes there are too many documents. Too many papers, memos and other bits of history to be catalogued and written about. Many of the important papers are located elsewhere on this site.  For example, there are the memos and other bits of history. These files are organized by workplace or by industry association or consulting client. For example, there is a section for Chicago Tribune bits and pieces. And one for Poynter and NewsU, etc.

The files in the Archival section are organized along similar lines — workplace, industry association and so forth. The difference between these two areas is:

  1. Memos and Other Bits of History are important important to me and the “Analog to Digital” history. I’ve added more commentary and many of these documents are also linked on the site’s timeline, the autobiography by bits and pieces. Some of these pieces of paper, I will file and save and let someone else toss.
  2. The documents listed in the Archival Collection have less personal and/or historical significance.  They are, however, important when taken in total. Hence, I wanted to make sure these files are lost to the “dustbin of history.” So, before tossing the paper, I’ve “filed” the document in one of the archival sections below.
Personal and media history
  • Howard Finberg’s Archival Bits and Pieces
  • Media and Newspaper Industry History Archival
  • Chicago Tribune Archival Documents
  • San Francisco Chronicle Archival Documents
  • The Arizona Republic Archival Documents
  • Central Newspaper Archival Documents
  • Poynter Institute & Poynter’s NewsU Archival Documents
Industry associations