June 9, 1994

Agenda and Plans for PAFET

This is a memo to the PAFET management committee, the group that oversaw the work of the operating committee [the real workers in the PAFET universe]. The meeting was held in St. Louis, headquarters of Pulitzer Newspapers.   Here’s the agenda:

1. Introduction: Comments from Jim Rosse
2. Name and Mission Statement:
   Discuss/approve name and m1ss1on
3. Structure: Organizational roles and partnership material.
4. Operating Plan: Plans for initiating and/or participating in research, including development of database of member activities. Discussion of possible group relationship with Delphi.
5. Finance/Budget: Proposed budget and contributions.
6. Confidentiality: Proposed standards and procedures.
7. Communications: Draft announcement and any other release materials.
8. Executive Session: Discussion as appropriate.
9. Next Steps: Next Management Committee meeting; other issues to be addressed.
Two handouts were used at the meeting. Alan Flaherty provided an eight-page agenda package dated March 10, and Dean Blythe provided a three-page undated document entitled Financial Administration and Guidelines. Materials from these documents will not be repeated in these minutes, except insofar as they were modified, or were the basis for specific resolutions adopted by the Management Committee.

And here’s the bit about PAFET’s name and mission statement:

The name Pafet, standing for Partners Affiliated for Exploring Technology, was adopted. The wording of the mission statement was adjusted to the following, in accordance with a suggestion from Joel Kramer:
The mission of Pafet shall he to assisl individual member companies in the development of mechanisms for presentation and marketing of information using new technologies, in order to help the member companies make better individual decisions concerning the future of their businesses.

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